June 14, 2024

Grab your flags, it’s Pride Month! June 1st has rolled by once again, and the world’s biggest celebration of equality and diversity for all parts of the LBGTQI+ community (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, queer, questioning, intersex, non-binary, asexual, pansexual, genderqueer et al.) has ARRIVED.

But what actually IS Pride Month? Where did it come from? Why do we celebrate, and why is it still necessary? This week's blog answers those questions!

The first Pride was a riot

Pride is the name or slogan given to commemorate the Stonewall Inn Riots.

On June 28th 1969, the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York’s Greenwich Village (that to this day serve an excellent espresso martini), was raided by the police. This was not an unusual occurrence, carried out under the pretence of the bar operating without an appropriate alcohol licence - but raids on gay bars in New York were common at the time (Stonewall was raided on average once a month) with the ultimate intention to cause so much of a ruckus that the bars that offered a safe space to the queers would be closed.

This time, the patrons decided to fight back - triggering a resistance riot (or, as those there would instead put it - an uprising) that would last five to six days. A black trans woman of colour named Marsha P Johnson threw the first brick at the cops, and the rest is history.

Do we still need Pride?

Our current zeitgeist might seem very far away from the injustices and prejudices of 1969. But the reality is that Pride is still needed in celebration and commemoration. Homosexuality is still criminalised in 64 countries, and the UK’s trans and non-binary population still face increasingly hostile rhetoric from the government and in their everyday lives. Due to this, Pride celebrations are essential so that members of the LGBTQI+ community feel seen, cared for, and celebrated. After all, love is love!

How Optimal’s solution helps

Removing gendered language, structure and coherence from your Job Ads

Including gendered language and gender-associated words in your recruitment Ads isolates LGBTQI+ candidates, but aligning your role with masculine-associated characteristics such as ‘strong’, ‘action-oriented’ and ‘driven’ also puts off candidates that associate as female. They will assume a man is wanted for the position. Optimal’s solution ensures that any gendered language that has found its way into your ads is removed, opening these positions back up to applicants of all identifications. Optimal also ensures that the optimised Job Ad adheres to our rigorous structure and coherence principles developed over the past four years.

Communicating your EVP

LGBTQI+ applicants are more likely to research the companies they work for to ensure that they’ll work in an environment that allows them to be free and open about their day-to-day lives. When you Optimise your ads with us, we’ll ensure your ads convey just how diverse you are and how strong your EVP is.


When you join forces with Get-Optimal, your Job Advert grows wings. Our heart is inclusive candidate attraction - automated, meaning your qualified response rate for open positions will soar by a minimum of 24%. We’ve trained our AI for four years with tens of millions of points of Job Ad data to surface the most critical parts of your Job Ad, saving you time you’d usually use copying from old or plagiarised ads. Our deep learning AI product also ensures that your job ad meets DE&I standards, so you’ll attract suitable candidates who aren’t dissuaded by how your job is advertised. also helps you boost your company's ESG score. falls into the Social component: Social metrics focus on how a company manages its relationships with stakeholders - how employees, customers, suppliers and communities are treated.

Your Job Ad will be returned in a downloadable, editable form. We're also integrated with Bullhorn and Salesforce, so you can drop it into whichever job board or multi-poster you prefer for ultimate reach. We also have some exciting new integrations, features and language capabilities coming down the pipe in 2024.

Ready to utilise AI, be the top choice commercially and win business over less enlightened competitors? Book your demo today and get started with Get-Optimal.



June 14, 2024
Download Case Study

Grab your flags, it’s Pride Month! June 1st has rolled by once again, and the world’s biggest celebration of equality and diversity for all parts of the LBGTQI+ community (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, queer, questioning, intersex, non-binary, asexual, pansexual, genderqueer et al.) has ARRIVED.

But what actually IS Pride Month? Where did it come from? Why do we celebrate, and why is it still necessary? This week's blog answers those questions!

The first Pride was a riot

Pride is the name or slogan given to commemorate the Stonewall Inn Riots.

On June 28th 1969, the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York’s Greenwich Village (that to this day serve an excellent espresso martini), was raided by the police. This was not an unusual occurrence, carried out under the pretence of the bar operating without an appropriate alcohol licence - but raids on gay bars in New York were common at the time (Stonewall was raided on average once a month) with the ultimate intention to cause so much of a ruckus that the bars that offered a safe space to the queers would be closed.

This time, the patrons decided to fight back - triggering a resistance riot (or, as those there would instead put it - an uprising) that would last five to six days. A black trans woman of colour named Marsha P Johnson threw the first brick at the cops, and the rest is history.

Do we still need Pride?

Our current zeitgeist might seem very far away from the injustices and prejudices of 1969. But the reality is that Pride is still needed in celebration and commemoration. Homosexuality is still criminalised in 64 countries, and the UK’s trans and non-binary population still face increasingly hostile rhetoric from the government and in their everyday lives. Due to this, Pride celebrations are essential so that members of the LGBTQI+ community feel seen, cared for, and celebrated. After all, love is love!

How Optimal’s solution helps

Removing gendered language, structure and coherence from your Job Ads

Including gendered language and gender-associated words in your recruitment Ads isolates LGBTQI+ candidates, but aligning your role with masculine-associated characteristics such as ‘strong’, ‘action-oriented’ and ‘driven’ also puts off candidates that associate as female. They will assume a man is wanted for the position. Optimal’s solution ensures that any gendered language that has found its way into your ads is removed, opening these positions back up to applicants of all identifications. Optimal also ensures that the optimised Job Ad adheres to our rigorous structure and coherence principles developed over the past four years.

Communicating your EVP

LGBTQI+ applicants are more likely to research the companies they work for to ensure that they’ll work in an environment that allows them to be free and open about their day-to-day lives. When you Optimise your ads with us, we’ll ensure your ads convey just how diverse you are and how strong your EVP is.


When you join forces with Get-Optimal, your Job Advert grows wings. Our heart is inclusive candidate attraction - automated, meaning your qualified response rate for open positions will soar by a minimum of 24%. We’ve trained our AI for four years with tens of millions of points of Job Ad data to surface the most critical parts of your Job Ad, saving you time you’d usually use copying from old or plagiarised ads. Our deep learning AI product also ensures that your job ad meets DE&I standards, so you’ll attract suitable candidates who aren’t dissuaded by how your job is advertised. also helps you boost your company's ESG score. falls into the Social component: Social metrics focus on how a company manages its relationships with stakeholders - how employees, customers, suppliers and communities are treated.

Your Job Ad will be returned in a downloadable, editable form. We're also integrated with Bullhorn and Salesforce, so you can drop it into whichever job board or multi-poster you prefer for ultimate reach. We also have some exciting new integrations, features and language capabilities coming down the pipe in 2024.

Ready to utilise AI, be the top choice commercially and win business over less enlightened competitors? Book your demo today and get started with Get-Optimal.