June 28, 2024

The pollen count is up, the solstice has passed, and if you’re in the UK, it’s fair to say that we’re deep in the middle of what can only be described as a heatwave. Summer is upon us! As our community’s thoughts turn to sunnier climes, you might be worried about maintaining your productivity while your employees take their well-earned summer holidays.

But never fear, Optimal is here! Stick around for exactly why summer is the best time to invest in our AI Saas solution and exactly how Optimal saves you time so your staff can holiday worry-free. Remember, every Job published advertises your business - It’s your brand and your reputation.

How can ethical AI save me time?

Our Saas AI uses automation as its critical heart. Drop your ad into our integrations - Bullhorn or Salesforce; or use our dedicated Saas platform, and our AI will fire up, ready to automate the bits of the jobs you hate. It’ll pull the best bits from your current job ad, ensuring your essential main benefits requirements and specifications are included. What’s more, the Job ad will be returned to you in an accessible, applicant-friendly format that will be top tier - informed by our highly trained and specialised large language data models that are housed with Microsoft Azure. 

Our automation also checks for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors, ensuring a mistake-free, accessible, highly responsive, and (notably) unique job ad every time.

We also optimise Job Ads for diversity, inclusion (look at all Protected Characteristic groups, not just gender), and SEO using AI and Machine Learning, all within a proven, safe, and IT-secure environment.

Ask any TA professional or recruiter, and we can be sure that the worst bits of the job are the time spent fiddling with the job ad. In an increasingly pressured economic environment where you may be working with the bare minimum of staff, Optimal’s solution will ensure no productivity deficit even when your top-ranking recruiter is basking on a beach.

What four things are we famous for?

  • More qualified candidates - GO guarantees you a 24% increase in a view to an application. 
  • Automation - GO  guarantees to save each user 8.4 hours weekly
  • Time - Reducing the number of rejected applications by 40%
  • will increase your gender and diversity of applications by a minimum of 22%. Supporting your intentional DE&I hiring strategies


When you join forces with Get-Optimal, your Job Advert grows wings. Our heart is inclusive candidate attraction - automated, meaning your qualified response rate for open positions will soar by a minimum of 24%. We’ve trained our AI for four years with tens of millions of points of Job Ad data to surface the most critical parts of your Job Ad, saving you time you’d usually use copying from old or plagiarised ads. Our deep learning AI product also ensures that your job ad meets DE&I standards, so you’ll attract suitable candidates who aren’t dissuaded by how your job is advertised. also helps you boost your company's ESG score. falls into the Social component: Social metrics focus on how a company manages its relationships with stakeholders - how employees, customers, suppliers and communities are treated.

Your Job Ad will be returned in a downloadable, editable form. We're also integrated with Bullhorn and Salesforce, so you can drop it into whichever job board or multi-poster you prefer for ultimate reach. We also have some exciting new integrations, features and language capabilities coming down the pipe in 2024.

Ready to utilise AI, be the top choice commercially and win business over less enlightened competitors? Book your demo today and get started with Get-Optimal.



June 28, 2024
Download Case Study

The pollen count is up, the solstice has passed, and if you’re in the UK, it’s fair to say that we’re deep in the middle of what can only be described as a heatwave. Summer is upon us! As our community’s thoughts turn to sunnier climes, you might be worried about maintaining your productivity while your employees take their well-earned summer holidays.

But never fear, Optimal is here! Stick around for exactly why summer is the best time to invest in our AI Saas solution and exactly how Optimal saves you time so your staff can holiday worry-free. Remember, every Job published advertises your business - It’s your brand and your reputation.

How can ethical AI save me time?

Our Saas AI uses automation as its critical heart. Drop your ad into our integrations - Bullhorn or Salesforce; or use our dedicated Saas platform, and our AI will fire up, ready to automate the bits of the jobs you hate. It’ll pull the best bits from your current job ad, ensuring your essential main benefits requirements and specifications are included. What’s more, the Job ad will be returned to you in an accessible, applicant-friendly format that will be top tier - informed by our highly trained and specialised large language data models that are housed with Microsoft Azure. 

Our automation also checks for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors, ensuring a mistake-free, accessible, highly responsive, and (notably) unique job ad every time.

We also optimise Job Ads for diversity, inclusion (look at all Protected Characteristic groups, not just gender), and SEO using AI and Machine Learning, all within a proven, safe, and IT-secure environment.

Ask any TA professional or recruiter, and we can be sure that the worst bits of the job are the time spent fiddling with the job ad. In an increasingly pressured economic environment where you may be working with the bare minimum of staff, Optimal’s solution will ensure no productivity deficit even when your top-ranking recruiter is basking on a beach.

What four things are we famous for?

  • More qualified candidates - GO guarantees you a 24% increase in a view to an application. 
  • Automation - GO  guarantees to save each user 8.4 hours weekly
  • Time - Reducing the number of rejected applications by 40%
  • will increase your gender and diversity of applications by a minimum of 22%. Supporting your intentional DE&I hiring strategies


When you join forces with Get-Optimal, your Job Advert grows wings. Our heart is inclusive candidate attraction - automated, meaning your qualified response rate for open positions will soar by a minimum of 24%. We’ve trained our AI for four years with tens of millions of points of Job Ad data to surface the most critical parts of your Job Ad, saving you time you’d usually use copying from old or plagiarised ads. Our deep learning AI product also ensures that your job ad meets DE&I standards, so you’ll attract suitable candidates who aren’t dissuaded by how your job is advertised. also helps you boost your company's ESG score. falls into the Social component: Social metrics focus on how a company manages its relationships with stakeholders - how employees, customers, suppliers and communities are treated.

Your Job Ad will be returned in a downloadable, editable form. We're also integrated with Bullhorn and Salesforce, so you can drop it into whichever job board or multi-poster you prefer for ultimate reach. We also have some exciting new integrations, features and language capabilities coming down the pipe in 2024.

Ready to utilise AI, be the top choice commercially and win business over less enlightened competitors? Book your demo today and get started with Get-Optimal.