June 7, 2024

Blogs! If you know anything about us here at Optimal, you’ll know that we love giving you a weekly update on our world, our mission, and the people who make us tick! Now that we’ve finished summarising our much-loved Optimal Spring series, this week we’ll highlight our three most viewed and clicked-on blogs from the past two years and give you a roundup of what they taught us.

In no particular order:


We’re starting strong with this mind-blowing testimonial from Lauren B Jones, a Founder, Author, Speaker, Blogger, Innovator, Recruiting Technology expert, and goat mumma — a trailblazer for lady leaders.

Lauren’s testimonial summarised:

  • Get-Optimal is a focused advertiser that generates a diverse pipeline
  • You never get a second chance to make a first impression
  • Get-Optimal is a MUST for agencies
  • Get-Optimal also helps you invest in DE&I
  • The average job posting is 6.2 years old - do you need to look at your job ads?

Lauren nailed our EVP Employee Value Proposition (EVP) entirely. We’re here to clean up your ads, bring in diverse candidates, and make a great first impression. Lauren’s blog also tells us we must discuss our non-agency clients more. Get-Optimal can be used by everyone! If you’re a business that writes job adverts, we can help!


Next, we’d like to bring you back to ESG scores. ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance score. The higher your ESG score, the more sustainable, ethical, and holistic your company is considered.

Our blog focused on:

  • How the higher your ESG score is, the better candidates you’ll attract
  • What an ESG score looks like
  • What each part means
  • Get-Optimal boosts your ESG by optimising your job ads to remove any biassed gender-coded language, reducing structural bias or language that might dissuade stakeholders from reporting a low ESG score

Our blog about ESG helped us frame our product in terms of broader implications that we hadn’t first considered outside of diversity and automation. It made us realise that our single-point solution not only helps the right person get the right job but also boosts those companies in the eyes of stakeholders.


Our final top three blog is Torin Ellis’ stunning chat with Career Becon’s Serge Boudreau about diversity and Inclusion. If you are unfamiliar with the mighty Torin Ellis, we’ll forgive you for living under a rock. This trailblazer is a diversity strategist, published author, and force of nature in asking complex questions about DE&I and Diversity.

This meeting of minds went as follows:

  • Contemporary DE&I efforts are only sparked by the death of George Floyd
  • Companies need to be energised to commit to change
  • You need to check your scale
  • We also must be sure we’re asking the right question

Torin and Serge’s chat inspired us to refine our product to ensure we’re offering a truly diverse solution. We must remain honourable in all our choices at Optimal HQ and with our product. We checked our scale and the problems we set out to solve and expanded just who was making our big choices.


When you join forces with Get-Optimal, your Job Advert grows wings. Our heart is inclusive candidate attraction - automated, meaning your qualified response rate for open positions will soar by a minimum of 24%. We’ve trained our AI for four years with tens of millions of points of Job Ad data to surface the most critical parts of your Job Ad, saving you time you’d usually use copying from old or plagiarised ads. Our deep learning AI product also ensures that your job ad meets DE&I standards, so you’ll attract suitable candidates who aren’t dissuaded by how your job is advertised. also helps you boost your company's ESG score. falls into the Social component: Social metrics focus on how a company manages its relationships with stakeholders - how employees, customers, suppliers and communities are treated.

Your Job Ad will be returned in a downloadable, editable form. We're also integrated with Bullhorn and Salesforce, so you can drop it into whichever job board or multi-poster you prefer for ultimate reach. We also have some exciting new integrations, features and language capabilities coming down the pipe in 2024.

Ready to utilise AI, be the top choice commercially and win business over less enlightened competitors? Book your demo today and get started with Get-Optimal.



June 7, 2024
Download Case Study

Blogs! If you know anything about us here at Optimal, you’ll know that we love giving you a weekly update on our world, our mission, and the people who make us tick! Now that we’ve finished summarising our much-loved Optimal Spring series, this week we’ll highlight our three most viewed and clicked-on blogs from the past two years and give you a roundup of what they taught us.

In no particular order:


We’re starting strong with this mind-blowing testimonial from Lauren B Jones, a Founder, Author, Speaker, Blogger, Innovator, Recruiting Technology expert, and goat mumma — a trailblazer for lady leaders.

Lauren’s testimonial summarised:

  • Get-Optimal is a focused advertiser that generates a diverse pipeline
  • You never get a second chance to make a first impression
  • Get-Optimal is a MUST for agencies
  • Get-Optimal also helps you invest in DE&I
  • The average job posting is 6.2 years old - do you need to look at your job ads?

Lauren nailed our EVP Employee Value Proposition (EVP) entirely. We’re here to clean up your ads, bring in diverse candidates, and make a great first impression. Lauren’s blog also tells us we must discuss our non-agency clients more. Get-Optimal can be used by everyone! If you’re a business that writes job adverts, we can help!


Next, we’d like to bring you back to ESG scores. ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance score. The higher your ESG score, the more sustainable, ethical, and holistic your company is considered.

Our blog focused on:

  • How the higher your ESG score is, the better candidates you’ll attract
  • What an ESG score looks like
  • What each part means
  • Get-Optimal boosts your ESG by optimising your job ads to remove any biassed gender-coded language, reducing structural bias or language that might dissuade stakeholders from reporting a low ESG score

Our blog about ESG helped us frame our product in terms of broader implications that we hadn’t first considered outside of diversity and automation. It made us realise that our single-point solution not only helps the right person get the right job but also boosts those companies in the eyes of stakeholders.


Our final top three blog is Torin Ellis’ stunning chat with Career Becon’s Serge Boudreau about diversity and Inclusion. If you are unfamiliar with the mighty Torin Ellis, we’ll forgive you for living under a rock. This trailblazer is a diversity strategist, published author, and force of nature in asking complex questions about DE&I and Diversity.

This meeting of minds went as follows:

  • Contemporary DE&I efforts are only sparked by the death of George Floyd
  • Companies need to be energised to commit to change
  • You need to check your scale
  • We also must be sure we’re asking the right question

Torin and Serge’s chat inspired us to refine our product to ensure we’re offering a truly diverse solution. We must remain honourable in all our choices at Optimal HQ and with our product. We checked our scale and the problems we set out to solve and expanded just who was making our big choices.


When you join forces with Get-Optimal, your Job Advert grows wings. Our heart is inclusive candidate attraction - automated, meaning your qualified response rate for open positions will soar by a minimum of 24%. We’ve trained our AI for four years with tens of millions of points of Job Ad data to surface the most critical parts of your Job Ad, saving you time you’d usually use copying from old or plagiarised ads. Our deep learning AI product also ensures that your job ad meets DE&I standards, so you’ll attract suitable candidates who aren’t dissuaded by how your job is advertised. also helps you boost your company's ESG score. falls into the Social component: Social metrics focus on how a company manages its relationships with stakeholders - how employees, customers, suppliers and communities are treated.

Your Job Ad will be returned in a downloadable, editable form. We're also integrated with Bullhorn and Salesforce, so you can drop it into whichever job board or multi-poster you prefer for ultimate reach. We also have some exciting new integrations, features and language capabilities coming down the pipe in 2024.

Ready to utilise AI, be the top choice commercially and win business over less enlightened competitors? Book your demo today and get started with Get-Optimal.