October 13, 2023

In the ever-evolving recruitment and talent acquisition landscape, one concept is beginning to rise as a primary attractor - Employer Value Proposition (EVP). Whilst it might seem like another corporate buzzword, your EVP is a core part of your Job Adverts and can set you aside from other companies when attracting top talent.

What is EVP?

Your EVP represents the heart and soul of your company. It includes basics like compensation and other holistic factors like work culture, opportunities for growth, mental health support, well-being, environmental factors and gym benefits - everything your employee can access in exchange for their hard work. With workers bringing different expectations and behaviours to their search for a new role, the number of individuals looking for a purpose-driven company has soured.

This new wave of job seekers is emphatic about a company’s purpose. What it is, why it exists and what it stands for. As the global economic crisis escalates, it’s falling to employers to support mental health and wellbeing - and to think about their effects on the environment. Evidence suggests a 15% rise in employee satisfaction from expressing these in your job ad. It’s likely to attract socially conscious, hard-working candidates with a talk-it-through as a family mentality - building stronger inter-team bonds, helping employee retention and producing more passionate employees.

It is evident, then, that it has become essential to communicate this when advertising for a new position. After all, organisations that deliver on communicating their EVP increase new hire commitment by nearly 30%!

Why can’t I just use our usual Job Advert template?

We know that formulaic and templated job ads are, on average, 6.5 years old, contain Frankenstein-style mistakes from repeat copy and pasting, and, on the whole, hugely damage EVP.

EVP becomes diluted or removed when multiple stakeholders input their edits into job descriptions. Times this by a de-centralised team and amplify it across different global territories with different cultural expectations and languages - and up rises a problem. A negative image of your brand - less trustworthy - more errors (around 7.2), and a higher chance of a candidate simply scrolling past your ad without applying.

But how can you expect to keep track of the inclusion of your EVP without a laborious quality assurance process, paying extra staff members or hiring specialised copywriters to do the job?

Take a look at your Job Ads today. Honestly, how many of them accurately reflect your EVP?

Get an instant free job ad report

How Optimal can help

Work with Optimal, and our AI-powered Saas will champion your EVP. It rids your job ad of masculine-coded language, those 7.2 errors, spelling, grammar and punctuation. What’s more, we’ll include your company benefits - so your potential employees gain a feel for your business when they start reading your ad. Make the right impression from day one, and the spoils of the above positives will be yours and, in turn, your new hires.

Using our AI ensures consistency - as it’ll always emphasise your diverse, inclusive and open culture. Moreover, it highlights the specific spectrum of benefits, providing precisely what you need to be overloaded with suitable applicants for the job.

About Get Optimal

Work with us at Optimal, and your response rate for open positions will soar by a minimum of 24%. Let our AI choose the most readable parts of your job ads to display. You’ll save the precious time you would have spent combing through old or plagiarised job ads to ensure you’re conveying the correct image in the new world of attracting suitable and diverse candidates. No longer will applicants be put off by the vacancy or how it’s been advertised. Optimise once and post in multiple places - your new ad is in a downloadable, editable form to drop in to whichever job board or multi-poster you like!

We are also integrated with Bullhorn and Salesforce. We ensure your ad is Diversity and inclusion-compliant, meaning you’ll be the top choice commercially and win business over other, less enlightened competitors.‍

Ready to join forces? Why not book your demo today and get started with Get-Optimal?


October 13, 2023
Download Case Study

In the ever-evolving recruitment and talent acquisition landscape, one concept is beginning to rise as a primary attractor - Employer Value Proposition (EVP). Whilst it might seem like another corporate buzzword, your EVP is a core part of your Job Adverts and can set you aside from other companies when attracting top talent.

What is EVP?

Your EVP represents the heart and soul of your company. It includes basics like compensation and other holistic factors like work culture, opportunities for growth, mental health support, well-being, environmental factors and gym benefits - everything your employee can access in exchange for their hard work. With workers bringing different expectations and behaviours to their search for a new role, the number of individuals looking for a purpose-driven company has soured.

This new wave of job seekers is emphatic about a company’s purpose. What it is, why it exists and what it stands for. As the global economic crisis escalates, it’s falling to employers to support mental health and wellbeing - and to think about their effects on the environment. Evidence suggests a 15% rise in employee satisfaction from expressing these in your job ad. It’s likely to attract socially conscious, hard-working candidates with a talk-it-through as a family mentality - building stronger inter-team bonds, helping employee retention and producing more passionate employees.

It is evident, then, that it has become essential to communicate this when advertising for a new position. After all, organisations that deliver on communicating their EVP increase new hire commitment by nearly 30%!

Why can’t I just use our usual Job Advert template?

We know that formulaic and templated job ads are, on average, 6.5 years old, contain Frankenstein-style mistakes from repeat copy and pasting, and, on the whole, hugely damage EVP.

EVP becomes diluted or removed when multiple stakeholders input their edits into job descriptions. Times this by a de-centralised team and amplify it across different global territories with different cultural expectations and languages - and up rises a problem. A negative image of your brand - less trustworthy - more errors (around 7.2), and a higher chance of a candidate simply scrolling past your ad without applying.

But how can you expect to keep track of the inclusion of your EVP without a laborious quality assurance process, paying extra staff members or hiring specialised copywriters to do the job?

Take a look at your Job Ads today. Honestly, how many of them accurately reflect your EVP?

Get an instant free job ad report

How Optimal can help

Work with Optimal, and our AI-powered Saas will champion your EVP. It rids your job ad of masculine-coded language, those 7.2 errors, spelling, grammar and punctuation. What’s more, we’ll include your company benefits - so your potential employees gain a feel for your business when they start reading your ad. Make the right impression from day one, and the spoils of the above positives will be yours and, in turn, your new hires.

Using our AI ensures consistency - as it’ll always emphasise your diverse, inclusive and open culture. Moreover, it highlights the specific spectrum of benefits, providing precisely what you need to be overloaded with suitable applicants for the job.

About Get Optimal

Work with us at Optimal, and your response rate for open positions will soar by a minimum of 24%. Let our AI choose the most readable parts of your job ads to display. You’ll save the precious time you would have spent combing through old or plagiarised job ads to ensure you’re conveying the correct image in the new world of attracting suitable and diverse candidates. No longer will applicants be put off by the vacancy or how it’s been advertised. Optimise once and post in multiple places - your new ad is in a downloadable, editable form to drop in to whichever job board or multi-poster you like!

We are also integrated with Bullhorn and Salesforce. We ensure your ad is Diversity and inclusion-compliant, meaning you’ll be the top choice commercially and win business over other, less enlightened competitors.‍

Ready to join forces? Why not book your demo today and get started with Get-Optimal?