October 9, 2023

Maintaining a consistent tone of voice and a confident employer brand is paramount in our new decentralised world of remote working.

Your Job Ads are the first thing your potential new hire encounters, which is critical in conveying your branding, ethics, and company lifestyle. Did you know that brand loyalty is among the top three factors candidates consider when looking for a new position? 

Ask yourself, how are you creating your Job Ads? Is there a set template, potentially outdated by years, lingering on an internal intranet? Do you have a unified and consistent tone of voice (that is very hard to achieve when each person has had a go)? Are you copying, pasting, and editing together old ads written by numerous people? How can you expect to attract the right, universally loved candidate if your job ads aren’t consistent?

It doesn’t need to be this way.

Optimal’s AI-assisted Saas software can help!

Why do I need to be consistent?

Consistency in tone of voice and job ads is essential for several reasons. 

Firstly, it sets you aside as a brand - take a peak at Innocent Smoothies or Revolut to see what we mean. These companies need only write a sentence, and you can tell who you’re talking to. It sets them apart, helps them stand out, and encourages brand loyalty - all drivers for candidates to apply.

Secondly, consistency builds trust. There’s no doubt that your applicant will have checked out your company website or recruitment site before applying, and a clear tone of voice across all copy and ads shows that your organisation is credible and reliable - unlikely to let your applicant down in terms of being paid right, on time, ethics, and general all-round team camaraderie. 

Combining these two things makes it easy to see why your job ads must be consistent. You’re more likely to attract better talent if you present a confident, united, inclusive front with your job ads - get your applicant to invest in the idea of your vacancy emotionally, and they’ll remain loyal and work harder.

How is this possible when multiple people work on your job ads?

As mentioned above, a consistent tone of voice is a HUGE part of how a company operates. Just take a look at Mailchimp’s style guide - a veritable tome of how to write everything from education to legal to accessibility. But it’s long. Onboarding copywriters or recruiters and asking them to memorise and write in your style still involves (a) human interpretation of the information given and (b) that your staffers, copywriters or recruiters make the active choice to stick to this guide. It requires their work to be checked by another before it is posted, or even worse - re written when it doesn’t appear consistent. What a waste of time.

Optimal’s AI is the Answer

Our Saas solution uses AI to optimise your Job Ad, and ensure that your tone of voice is consistent and your brand values shine through. Think of us as your most consistent sidekick. Our highly skilled, bias-free and experienced AI learns as it goes to ensure you are always delivered job ads that are confident and consistent. Moreover, it personalises your ad to your employment field to attract the broadest range of potential applicants, highlighting the benefits of your vacancy whilst ensuring personalisation and finger-on-the-pulse perks of your position. 

Why spend money training copywriters or forcing recruiters or TA folks to pour through pages of a style guide they might not adhere to? Simply drop your ad into our web app or use Optimal’s Bullhorn integration and get our AI to optimise your ad, returned within 10 minutes. 

If you ask us, It’s the sensible choice!

About Get Optimal

Work with us at Optimal, and your response rate for open positions will soar by a minimum of 24%. Let our AI choose the most readable parts of your job ads to display. You’ll save the precious time you would have spent combing through old or plagiarised job ads to ensure you’re conveying the correct image in the new world of attracting suitable and diverse candidates. No longer will applicants be put off by the vacancy or how it’s been advertised. Optimise once and post in multiple places - your new ad is in a downloadable, editable form to drop in to whichever job board or multi-poster you like!

We are also integrated with Bullhorn and Salesforce. We ensure your ad is Diversity and inclusion-compliant, meaning you’ll be the top choice commercially and win business over other, less enlightened competitors.‍

Ready to join forces? Why not book your demo today and get started with Get-Optimal?


October 9, 2023
Download Case Study

Maintaining a consistent tone of voice and a confident employer brand is paramount in our new decentralised world of remote working.

Your Job Ads are the first thing your potential new hire encounters, which is critical in conveying your branding, ethics, and company lifestyle. Did you know that brand loyalty is among the top three factors candidates consider when looking for a new position? 

Ask yourself, how are you creating your Job Ads? Is there a set template, potentially outdated by years, lingering on an internal intranet? Do you have a unified and consistent tone of voice (that is very hard to achieve when each person has had a go)? Are you copying, pasting, and editing together old ads written by numerous people? How can you expect to attract the right, universally loved candidate if your job ads aren’t consistent?

It doesn’t need to be this way.

Optimal’s AI-assisted Saas software can help!

Why do I need to be consistent?

Consistency in tone of voice and job ads is essential for several reasons. 

Firstly, it sets you aside as a brand - take a peak at Innocent Smoothies or Revolut to see what we mean. These companies need only write a sentence, and you can tell who you’re talking to. It sets them apart, helps them stand out, and encourages brand loyalty - all drivers for candidates to apply.

Secondly, consistency builds trust. There’s no doubt that your applicant will have checked out your company website or recruitment site before applying, and a clear tone of voice across all copy and ads shows that your organisation is credible and reliable - unlikely to let your applicant down in terms of being paid right, on time, ethics, and general all-round team camaraderie. 

Combining these two things makes it easy to see why your job ads must be consistent. You’re more likely to attract better talent if you present a confident, united, inclusive front with your job ads - get your applicant to invest in the idea of your vacancy emotionally, and they’ll remain loyal and work harder.

How is this possible when multiple people work on your job ads?

As mentioned above, a consistent tone of voice is a HUGE part of how a company operates. Just take a look at Mailchimp’s style guide - a veritable tome of how to write everything from education to legal to accessibility. But it’s long. Onboarding copywriters or recruiters and asking them to memorise and write in your style still involves (a) human interpretation of the information given and (b) that your staffers, copywriters or recruiters make the active choice to stick to this guide. It requires their work to be checked by another before it is posted, or even worse - re written when it doesn’t appear consistent. What a waste of time.

Optimal’s AI is the Answer

Our Saas solution uses AI to optimise your Job Ad, and ensure that your tone of voice is consistent and your brand values shine through. Think of us as your most consistent sidekick. Our highly skilled, bias-free and experienced AI learns as it goes to ensure you are always delivered job ads that are confident and consistent. Moreover, it personalises your ad to your employment field to attract the broadest range of potential applicants, highlighting the benefits of your vacancy whilst ensuring personalisation and finger-on-the-pulse perks of your position. 

Why spend money training copywriters or forcing recruiters or TA folks to pour through pages of a style guide they might not adhere to? Simply drop your ad into our web app or use Optimal’s Bullhorn integration and get our AI to optimise your ad, returned within 10 minutes. 

If you ask us, It’s the sensible choice!

About Get Optimal

Work with us at Optimal, and your response rate for open positions will soar by a minimum of 24%. Let our AI choose the most readable parts of your job ads to display. You’ll save the precious time you would have spent combing through old or plagiarised job ads to ensure you’re conveying the correct image in the new world of attracting suitable and diverse candidates. No longer will applicants be put off by the vacancy or how it’s been advertised. Optimise once and post in multiple places - your new ad is in a downloadable, editable form to drop in to whichever job board or multi-poster you like!

We are also integrated with Bullhorn and Salesforce. We ensure your ad is Diversity and inclusion-compliant, meaning you’ll be the top choice commercially and win business over other, less enlightened competitors.‍

Ready to join forces? Why not book your demo today and get started with Get-Optimal?