December 1, 2023

Recently, The Woman Count, a study by The Pipeline - a company whose mission is to ‘create ethnically diverse, gender-balanced executive teams’ has exposed a stark reality concerning women in commercial roles. There’s a giant blindspot - just one in five commercial positions on the boards of Britain’s 350 largest listed companies have women on the board. These findings reveal a persisting gender disparity, despite assumptions that women now have equality in the workplace - we must make more of an effort to attract, maintain and support women in the workplace.

“Companies in the middle quintile for gender balance reported an average annual return on assets of 7.7 per cent, compared with 5.6 per cent for those with the highest share of men in their workforce and 6.1 per cent for those with the highest share of women, the study found. In other words, companies with balanced workforces between women and men achieve the best results.” - BlackRock 2023 report.

The study found:

  • For every woman in a senior commercial role on a FTSE board, there were three men
  • Women end up paying a ‘Woman tax’, often being given additional tasks that wouldn’t stereotypically be given to men
  • The imagined ‘pipeline’ of progressing women in senior roles doesn’t exist

Prof Geeta Nargund, the founder and chief executive of Create Fertility, who wrote the foreword to the Women Count report, is quoted as saying progress is moving at a glacial pace. “Companies need to have a quality pipeline of female talent at every level of the organisation.”

We have to make our job ads more accommodating for women. Use Optimal, and your ad will be gender bias-free!

Why is an inclusive workforce essential?

An inclusive workforce is paramount. Not only is it a legal requirement in the UK, but studies have shown that having a higher percentage of women in the workplace causes more job satisfaction, organisational dedication, meaningful work, and less burnout - leading to a better working experience for everyone. More happiness and well-being create more committed teams and cultures and better loyalty to your company - everyone wins!

Optimal is Inclusive

Our primary mission with our cutting-edge AI is to defend the protected characteristics and champion equality, so all job ads are open and inclusive to the broadest range of potential applicants possible, alongside providing you with up to 24% net new candidates viewing and applying for your vacant roles.

Pop your Job Description or Job Advert through our SaaS platform (software as a service), and it’ll assess and remove anything that falls under The Equality Act, including gender bias.

Unlike the crude gender decoders out there, we also take this one step further, constantly refining our technology. It respects the protected characteristics and removes phrases, words, or concepts that might scare off a specific type of person from applying. For example, most female applicants will be put off by the term ‘Driven’. Optimal replace this word with an alternative like ‘generous’, ‘favourable’ or ‘compelling’ - not frightening female applicants yet still conveying the message. It’s easy to make these small changes. Still, they’re essential in opening up the big doors to attract the potential perfect person and challenge the gender bias that is still so prevalent today that the report has exposed. 

Whilst language is fundamental, this is only one element in optimising your Job Ads for DE&I. Structure, coherence and length are also primary elements that need to be measured and considered in your final optimised Job Ad.

About Get Optimal

Work with us at Optimal, and your response rate for open positions will soar by a minimum of 24%. Let our AI display the most readable parts of your Job Ad and save the precious time you would have spent combing through old or plagiarised job ads to ensure you’re conveying the correct image in the new world of attracting suitable and diverse candidates. No longer will applicants be put off by the vacancy or how it’s been advertised. Optimise once and post in multiple places - your new Job Ad is in a downloadable, editable form to drop in to whichever job board or multi-poster you like!

We are also integrated with Bullhorn and Salesforce. We ensure your Job ad is Diversity and inclusion-compliant, meaning you’ll be the top choice commercially and win business over other, less enlightened competitors.‍

Ready to join forces? Why not book your demo today and get started with Get-Optimal?


December 1, 2023
Download Case Study

Recently, The Woman Count, a study by The Pipeline - a company whose mission is to ‘create ethnically diverse, gender-balanced executive teams’ has exposed a stark reality concerning women in commercial roles. There’s a giant blindspot - just one in five commercial positions on the boards of Britain’s 350 largest listed companies have women on the board. These findings reveal a persisting gender disparity, despite assumptions that women now have equality in the workplace - we must make more of an effort to attract, maintain and support women in the workplace.

“Companies in the middle quintile for gender balance reported an average annual return on assets of 7.7 per cent, compared with 5.6 per cent for those with the highest share of men in their workforce and 6.1 per cent for those with the highest share of women, the study found. In other words, companies with balanced workforces between women and men achieve the best results.” - BlackRock 2023 report.

The study found:

  • For every woman in a senior commercial role on a FTSE board, there were three men
  • Women end up paying a ‘Woman tax’, often being given additional tasks that wouldn’t stereotypically be given to men
  • The imagined ‘pipeline’ of progressing women in senior roles doesn’t exist

Prof Geeta Nargund, the founder and chief executive of Create Fertility, who wrote the foreword to the Women Count report, is quoted as saying progress is moving at a glacial pace. “Companies need to have a quality pipeline of female talent at every level of the organisation.”

We have to make our job ads more accommodating for women. Use Optimal, and your ad will be gender bias-free!

Why is an inclusive workforce essential?

An inclusive workforce is paramount. Not only is it a legal requirement in the UK, but studies have shown that having a higher percentage of women in the workplace causes more job satisfaction, organisational dedication, meaningful work, and less burnout - leading to a better working experience for everyone. More happiness and well-being create more committed teams and cultures and better loyalty to your company - everyone wins!

Optimal is Inclusive

Our primary mission with our cutting-edge AI is to defend the protected characteristics and champion equality, so all job ads are open and inclusive to the broadest range of potential applicants possible, alongside providing you with up to 24% net new candidates viewing and applying for your vacant roles.

Pop your Job Description or Job Advert through our SaaS platform (software as a service), and it’ll assess and remove anything that falls under The Equality Act, including gender bias.

Unlike the crude gender decoders out there, we also take this one step further, constantly refining our technology. It respects the protected characteristics and removes phrases, words, or concepts that might scare off a specific type of person from applying. For example, most female applicants will be put off by the term ‘Driven’. Optimal replace this word with an alternative like ‘generous’, ‘favourable’ or ‘compelling’ - not frightening female applicants yet still conveying the message. It’s easy to make these small changes. Still, they’re essential in opening up the big doors to attract the potential perfect person and challenge the gender bias that is still so prevalent today that the report has exposed. 

Whilst language is fundamental, this is only one element in optimising your Job Ads for DE&I. Structure, coherence and length are also primary elements that need to be measured and considered in your final optimised Job Ad.

About Get Optimal

Work with us at Optimal, and your response rate for open positions will soar by a minimum of 24%. Let our AI display the most readable parts of your Job Ad and save the precious time you would have spent combing through old or plagiarised job ads to ensure you’re conveying the correct image in the new world of attracting suitable and diverse candidates. No longer will applicants be put off by the vacancy or how it’s been advertised. Optimise once and post in multiple places - your new Job Ad is in a downloadable, editable form to drop in to whichever job board or multi-poster you like!

We are also integrated with Bullhorn and Salesforce. We ensure your Job ad is Diversity and inclusion-compliant, meaning you’ll be the top choice commercially and win business over other, less enlightened competitors.‍

Ready to join forces? Why not book your demo today and get started with Get-Optimal?